The “1” button erects a logical one at pin 2 of an LPT-port,
the “2” button sets high level at pin 3 and so on.
The program can be launched with several command line parameters.
The /LPTn parameter defines used LPT-port (/LPT1 , /LPT2 or /LPT3). LPT1 is used by default.
The /LPTxNNNN parameter defines LPT-port with non-standard base address (for example, LPT-port at PCI-card). There NNNN is hexadecimal base address of a port, 'x' is just letter 'x', not number.
The /M parameter enables to switch on several switches at one time.
The /Sx parameter define a switch switched on at the program start (/S1 ... /S8). /S0 means "all switches are off". To switch on several switches use several /Sx commands.
The /Ttext parameter defines a title of program window.
The /B1text ... /B8text parameters define text on button 1...8 respectively.
The /Ontop parameter puts Switcher in front of all windows.
The /EX parameter means "to set switches and close program".